Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The settling bottle

At our house we love to craft. This is a "time out bottle" I saw on Pinterest. I thought this would be something my six year old would enjoy and I could also use it in my classroom. We gathered the supplies.
bottle (smart water was large enough and had a smooth bottom so it would stand easily)
Goo Gone-to remove the label (peanut butter or any other trick for removing adhesive could also be used)
bottle of glitter glue
tube of extra fine glitter
clear tacky glue
warm water
super glue secure the lid

First, I peeled the label off the bottle and used goo gone, a scrub brush, and a little dish detergent to remove the sticky left by the label.
Nest, my six year old joined in the fun, so this is a craft the kids can do, we filled the bottle about 1/4 full with warm water. A funnel would be another handy tool for this.
 Then, we squeezed in the glitter glue, poured in the tube of glitter, and squirted about 1/2 the bottle of clear tacky glue in each of our bottles. We put the lid on and shook the bottles every time we added something just to be sure the glue was dissolving. Finally we took the bottles to the faucet filled it to the top with warm water, made sure it mixed well, and super glued the lid on.
Here is what they look like all shook up.

Here is what they look like as they start to settle. They really are cool to watch, the picture does not do them justice. The pin I saw said add more glue to make them settle slower, this is important if you want to use it as a timer for time out. Some suggest using these for meditation. It is relaxing to watch. My daughter had fun playing with it all day, shaking it and turning it in different ways. She was really proud of it because she made it herself.

Somethings I might try if I did this again
The glitter seems to over power the glitter glue, so I might just use more glitter and clear tacky glue and just omit the glitter glue.
The two tone sliver and gold glitter was much more interesting to watch than just the blue, so I think I would use different colors of glitter.


  1. So excited to have you in the blogging world. Great project. Look forward to many more posts!
